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Spring is here

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

week one


Welcome Abraham Aaron

9.11 lbs, 20.25 inches

Abraham came into the world screaming and has been a blessing to our family.  Ava loves being a big sister and is doing very well sharing mama and dada.  Brahm is a very good baby.  He loves to snuggle, coo and toot:)  We are truly blessed and enjoy each day with our handsome baby boy and wonderful big sister.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

He is almost here!!

Oh my,

I have not blogged for many months, I just did not seem to find a minute to do so that I wasn't working, playing with Ava, getting ready for the baby or SLEEPING:)  We are so excited to welcome our baby boy next Tuesday the 17th.  I have a scheduled c-section at 9am and will be happy when he is here.  Last week he measured 9lbs, so I am thinking we will have another large baby on our hands.  This time we were smart and only purchased 3month clothing and larger:)

Ava is doing wonderful, she has a giant personality.  Her favorite things to do are help, tell you what to do:), mimic, play with her dolls, play with playdough, play doctor, and play in her cardboard house.  She is a busy bee, keeping everyone on their toes.  Right now she is potty training and has atoddler bed in her room to get used to for when we have to make the transition.  Right now she just pretends to nap in it and has everyone else pretend as well.  She is also excited about the baby and can tell you where he is now, where he will sleep and where he will sit in the car.  I think she will do amazingly well with the change.  Simon and I watch what we say daily, because her comprehension is brilliant and she will often respond when we are not talking to her:)  She has also started to repeat everything we say and can use Please, thank you and bless you in the right context.

At Daycare, her favorite friend is Isaac, she talks about him all the time and often mentions him when she sees the color blue.  She also talks about Niece ( her teacher Denise) and Sue-Sue ( her teacher Susan) and seems to love going each day.

We are blessed to be bale to have Simon's folks here to help us out with Ava and with the baby when I go back to work after 6 weeks.  It is nice not to have to put him into daycare until the 6-7 month period.  We are also blessed to have my floks coming out to spend some time with us, Ava and the baby in January.  I am sure my mom will get my house spick and spam:)

Hopefully more to come soon!!!  I have not sent out my Christmas thank you's yet.  Thank you all for the wonderful gifts for us and Ava, she loves playing with them all on a daily basis in her new playroom.


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Oh where have I been??

Oh my it has been awhile my blog friends.  We have been very busy here at the McFall household.  The basement is close to being finished and we hope to move out of here and down south by August.  Ava is doing well and is Miss Independent these days:)  She loves to do everything by herself and often will shake her head no, if someone tries to do it for her, that's my girl!!

At her 15 month check-up she was 33in tall and 32lbs.  She says about 7 words and receptively responds to many requests.  She can unscrew anything, uses a fork and spoon, flips the pages of her books and gets into everything.  She is close to walking and we are hoping she will be there soon enough, right now she is our knee walker, not wanting to crawl, so instead walking everywhere on her knees:)

We are enjoying playing with her and the beautiful Utah summer during our summer off.

Things she loves:
water ( tub and her 1st pool)
playing rough with daddy
her sippy cup
Drinking from a straw
kicking and throwing balls
playing with the dogs and feeding them her food
playing outside
talking walks in the stroller
observing other people ( all the time), she is very observant always taking it all in
playing with her friends at daycare
vegetables ( peas, corn, lima beans, carrots, etc..)
being silly
playing in her crib until mommy or daddy comes in to get her
anything that makes lots of noise
making silly faces
pointing to her body parts and your body parts as you say them
pointing to pictures and having you say them outloud and saying the name of the picture and having her point.
Plus much, much more!!!
She is so much fun every day!!! We can't seem to remember our lives without her, it is amazing!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Apple blossoms

We planted this apple tree 8 years ago when we moved here and this is our first year with blossoms.  I wonder if we will have any juicy apples?

Walking on Sunshine

This week we were finally blessed with some beautiful sunshine.  Yesterday Ava came down with a low-grade fever and has been fine today so I thought getting her some fresh air in this beautiful weather would be nice!


Watching the little girl next door

getting sleepy

Dancing Queen